Special Finishes


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Event Tips of the Month

Every month we offer a few tips to make your event run smoothly, boost morale or just share a humorous story.

August Tips:

1. An easy way to boost morale in your workgroup is to plan an offsite meeting. Taking your group offsite allows them to focus without the distractions of being in the everyday work environment. Fun events for small groups can be arranged for under $1,300. The boost in morale and group cohesiveness is priceless.

2. Wedding Cakes are as important as the Bride and Groom. It is very important to find a professinal baker. Having a relative bake your cake is a wonderfully sentimental, and cost effective way to do things. But consider this real life disaster: Everything was going as planned with the ceremony and reception set-up. The bride and groom were in their respective rooms getting ready. The Baker brings the first cake layer in; sets it down to go get the rest of the layers. Meanwhile, one of the groomsmen walks by and accidently stepped on the cake. Yes, folks this is a nightmare. But we remained calm, because we knew the professional baker was prepared for any disaster. He simply cut out the ruined portion of the cake and filled it with icing. By the time he was finished the cake looked absolutely flawless! Because we hired a professional, the bride and groom can now laugh about the almost disaster.

Special Finishes ** Charleston, SC ** 29485